The Spirit Butterfly – Dana Parker

A lifelong energy sensitive, embodied ‘feeler’ and intuitive, Dana’s early childhood was complicated by the usual bullying, isolation and relationship dramas that most magickal, mystical, witch-y wise-women-in-training needs to become.

A natural inclination to support and serve, she embraced her shapeshifter nature early.

Initially Dana thought she would become a dancer.  No other life path was pushed upon her.  She was sensitive, creative and felt pretty good at it.  AND instead (as a girl) she was mostly given the illusion that her adult life would be about kids, husband and keeping a good house!

But the universe so obviously had other plans …

She has been employed and educated in a variety of mainstream settings, with an honours degree in Political Science.  She’s done her time as a struggling student, a corporate employee/manager and has wandered the world without funds and wheeling suitcases, learning languages and lessons as she went.

University educated and a natural high achiever, in 2008 she found mainstream life was making her sick.

It took a debilitating, life-altering autoimmune disease coupled with chronic pain to wake her up to how disconnected she had become from her intuition, her voice and her true Spirit.

It has been her conversations and connection with Spirit that changed the game for her.

She is now a dedicated Spirit practitioner of some reputation.  Her voice is quiet until it needs to become a Lion’s roar.  She is known for being compassionate, sensitive, heart orientated and gifted with a consistent authenticity, personal integrity and presence.  With her multi-disciplinary teachings, she is a specialist at reconnecting and transforming the body, mind and spirit – for true healing needs to respect this important trilogy.

Her passion is to assist women (& men who are genuinely curious) to rediscover their innate biological wisdom and to heal their wounded hearts-minds-wombs.