Smudging as a practice is a basic fundamental for the beginner energy practitioner.  Especially important if you are energetically sensitive, as the Energy Sensitive is often prone to picking up energies that don’t belong to them.

Smudging is an ancient ceremonial practice.

It has been used for thousands of years in Native American culture to assist with healing and cleansing.  For the modern witch, it is a powerful tool to cleanse, clear and protect your energy from lower vibrations.

Scientifically, it has been proven that the smoke from white sage conducts negative ions, changing the chemical composition of the air surrounding us. Negative ions have been confirmed to assist in uplifting ones mood as it can help clear the air and denser energies in airborne particles that may be floating around.

Are you energetically sensitive? Do you occasionally feel just a little bit off for no apparent reason?

Sometimes this can be the result of picking up other peoples dense and negative energies, which can unknowingly rub off on your energetic field, leaving you to feel off centre.

It is common for our energy to feel disturbed, out of whack or unbalanced after visiting busy places, being in unstable social settings, after having an argument with a friend, attending large festivals, traveling on public transport, or spending times in places where the energy is stale or low in vibration. This is called attachment energy and its what we often pick up as Energy Sensitives.

This is why developing a regular smudging habit is fundamentally important for the beginner energy worker, who are usually the Energy Sensitives amongst us.

You can sage yourself, others, houses, healing spaces and even any objects you may feel are in need of some clearing.

It is best to intuitively feel into when it is necessary to perform a clearing, though as a basic guideline consider smudging yourself (especially) and your home at least weekly.

Smudging can also be used to clear the energy of items that may have been passed down to you through many different sets of hands, or the energy from second hand clothes – you never know what energies may be held in these items or who they may have been around!smudging basics for beginners

Where to get it?

Sage is typically used as smudge and it is easily obtainable from any New Age bookshop, crystal shop, metaphysical stores, or online. Sage can often be found to be combined with plants such as Lavender or Frankincense.

It is possible to buy it in the form of a wand (a tight bundle of sage which usually burns for longer – we love these for clearing larger spaces such as homes!) or loose leaf. You can also easily grow and dry your own sage – just wrap it in string and hang it up until fully dried!

Smudging basics for beginners:

When smudging approach and intent is just as important as the act itself.  Presence, mindfulness and focus on the intent are a great way to connect with the spirit of the sage so that he/she may work with you.  It is also essential to give thanks and gratitude to the plant spirit of the sage for working with you and assisting you to cleanse, clear and protect the space.

It is also important to have a heatproof container or shell to hold the sage in while it burns, which will also help you to put it out. Having sand in a container is handy, allowing you to put the sage out with ease once you are finished using it.

  • First, hold the intention and have it clear in your mind – you may also feel to say it out loud. The intention may be something along the lines of ‘I intend for this sage to cleanse, clear and protect my energy to its highest possible degree so that I may be in alignment with my highest aspect’.
  • Next you may light the sage with a match, candle or lighter. Sage should be lit like incense, where you blow out the flame so that the smoke may begin to burn.
  • Slowly, with your presence and focus of intention, move the sage around the body – I usually go from above the head, down through the face, body, arms, legs, and bottom of the feet. I do the front first then move onto the back, though you may feel intuitively to begin elsewhere. You may want to use a feather or smudging wand (we LOVE Loretta’s amazing smudging wands!!) to help disperse the smoke around your auric field, or simply using your free hand or the sage bundle will do. Certain areas may feel more energetically dense. If this is the case you may feel inclined to stay in these areas for longer to ensure that these dense energies are being cleansed and purified.
  • After you feel as though you have thoroughly and mindfully sage’d the entire energy field you may put the sage out, while giving thanks and gratitude to the plant spirit for working with you.
  • Lastly you may bury the ashes if you feel called to.  This way they can be recycled by mother earth, as it is believed the ashes pick up the denser energies. Disposing of them consciously can help contribute to a clearer and more thoroughly cleansed environment.

This general outline can also be used for cleansing and clearing spaces such as homes.

It is important when smudging a home to ensure that you open all cupboards and doors, so that the smoke may get in places where the energy could be especially stagnant. All rooms of the house should be done, while ensuring that corners are especially smudged. Corners are where energy can often build up. Smudging yourself with sage before and after cleansing the house can also be useful, so that you may maintain your own energetic integrity throughout the process.

smudging with palo santoAnother important key note is that smudging can also be done with many other plants, as most smoke is clearing!  We love to use Frankincense, Palo Santo and Dragons Blood, which also clear the air and cleanse your aura from any dense energies, so that you may maintain your energetic integrity. There have been some sustainability issues with the use of Frankincense and Palo Santo, so where possible consider using a native alternative – like in Australia Eucalyptus leaves can be used!

You may smudge with these plants the same way as you would the Sage.  Many oils are also great energy cleansers, such as Lemon oil. They too can ionise your home through the act of diffusing. So why not experiment with what works for you?

We recommend Loretta De Pellegrin’s smudging wands. Available at her Etsy store ‘HeartSoulSpirit’, head there by clicking on the photo!

Happy smudging – may you be cleansed, cleared and protected from any dense or negative energies so that you may stand in your power!

Yours in Spiritual evolution,

Written with assistance by Eloise Fielke.