Sacred Women2024-02-03T12:07:45+11:00

I am currently hosting a 5-week Rose Initiation Program via Patreon for those desiring a closer connection to self and the Sacred Feminine?

It is Self-Paced, although every 6 months there is an option to join a group of us moving through it together.

To read more, please visit

⏰ Click onto ‘memberships’ and view the Rose Initiation “tier” for more info.
=> this is an ONLINE self-paced program with 2 live group gatherings in weeks 1 & 5 of the general intake.
NEXT general intake is 5 August, 2024. 

All Women are Sacred

and having the gift of a womb gifts all womb-en with something special

Spiritual Development for Sacred Women

In my perspective …

While all on Earth are sacred, women are given an especially powerful gift at birth – a womb.  This is a Birth Rite.

By owning a womb, women are connected deeply, cellularly, all the way back to the womb of the original mother.  This houses energy information, a well of innate intuitive wisdom, and is a connection to pure source energy = power.

It needs consideration and should be treated with reverence.

When Women and their Wombs are held as Sacred, we all heal.

If you’d like to read more about this, please read the Blog Post “Why Working with Women is Important“.

Sacred Rose Initiation & Lineage

I started working with Rose, as a vehicle for communication with the Sacred feminine Spirit in 2017, when I undertook a pilgrimage to France with a small gathering of Spiritual Women (& 1 single male space holder).  The intention was to visit sites associated with Mary Magdalene and her ‘lineage’ in the aftermath of the persecution of Yeshua.

It lead me to understand more about the storylines of women within my own ancestry and appreciate the status of women, and their diminishing, at the hands of dominant patriarchal forces.  Essentially, our birth rite, also.

I continued on a journey of deep personal inner-reclaiming via a (re)connecting to collective feminine sacred wisdom.

After 7 years of deep diving, and personal inquiry, I now offer an array of services designed to support the voice of the feminine to be resourced, reinvigorated and renewed to support us heal this vital, life-giving, energy.

As we say, this work is a Calling.  Please tune-in if you feel curious and it calls on you.

Personal 1:1 Intuitive Coaching (the Rose Program) is also available, you will be invited to complete the 5-week Rose Initiation first to gain a grounding in this kind of practice.  Please book an Initial Intuitive Guidance Session first, if you’d like to meet me and receive a personalised reading.

IF you’re interested in Psychic Development ONLINE Courses please visit here.

“That Circle was awesome, powerful, loving, illuminating, TRUE, validating and reassuring!  Much gratitude to you for assisting me and the group to sit in the energy of our truths! I am in Bliss and awe and very content! ”

Dianne • Sacred Rose Circle, Attendee

“ Thank you for always being an inspiration to make oneself better thru sisterhood and love and self awareness (when I just typed awareness- awesome came up in its place! Oh how I love the Universe- it’s always right!

Every good wish.”

Linda • Sacred Rose Circle, Attendee

“Thank you for a wonderful experience today. I received such awesome validation. Feeling very grateful. To my sisters/roses, thank you for sharing your experiences. May we all continue to grow and celebrate our sacred beauty.”

Samantha • Sacred Rose Circle, Attendee

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Unravelling wisdom to connect in with your intuition

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