Psychic Development & Intuition2024-09-15T18:52:43+10:00

We are all Intuitive

and practicing it opens up your psychic potential

Intuition & Psychic Development

Psychic senses are our birth right.  They are intrinsically linked to our muscles of intuition.

With attention and practice, psychic insights and awareness flows.  With ignorance and denial of its potential, we are left with only rational thought to guide us.

This energy, when out of balance, can disturb the beautiful balance of your heart, mind and energy.

When awakened, re-balanced and held as sacred, this energy flourishes and reinvigorates your life force energy.

I offer numerous ways to engage with your own psychic sense and explore to expand them.  At the moment I have an active Patreon community, which you can join for free, that drip feeds you with some psychic insight.  If you’d like something a little more personal, there are self-paced ‘tiers’ which you can purchase and explore in your own time.

You are welcome to visit my Patreon page via this link:

The next 5-week Introduction to Psychic Senses is via “the Clairs – a 5-week Psychic Journey” tier starting on 7th October 2024

Visit my PATREON

Communing with Ancestors:

This is another opportunity to learn about your gifts of psychic connection via connecting with Ancestors in Spirit.


The Clairs – Level 1: Psychic Language via our 6 Senses

=> => … an online self-paced course is via Patreon – visit

NEXT level 2 Program – Psychic Discernment & Boundaries

** The Clairs Level 1 is a pre-requisite

=> => ON HOLD … an online self-paced course is coming soon.

To enquire, please make contact via my contact form

To hear more about this course, please watch this invitation video:

Dana also offers a Rose INITIATION program for wombyn and their advocates to learn more about the Sacred language of Rose and womb healing.  It begins with a 5-week, self-paced online course.

This work will repurpose energy, inspires a deepening of self-love and acceptance, and opens up your intuitive Sacred feminine making Psychic insight more available.  If this might interest you, there is more information via this link here.

Be Well. Be Whole.

Energy is all around us and impacts our daily flow

It’s helpful to know about energy, how it impacts us and where it aligns to support us.  Sometimes, it helps to know where it misaligns with our intent and our desired outcome.

I offer a monthly energy forecast, to support those individuals wishing to know more, to learn and grow.

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