Services – Intuitive Guidance and Healing

Book your first Intuitive Session (Energy Reading) with Dana to start (or expand) your journey to understanding and healing.

To assist you, Dana may use a range of energy reading, coaching and healing modalities in her sessions, such as:

Sessions with Dana involve more than just a reading service that just tells you about a possible future.  The goal is to tune into your spiritual intelligence to understand the situation you’re in now so you can create a better life, an In-Spired Life.

In tuning into Spirit we might establish the energetic blocks that prevent you from achieving a satisfying life so conflicts can resolve and situations ease — which it will do through self awareness, spiritual practice and healing experiences.  You are welcome to come into a session with a range of questions, or just be open to receiving what is given to Dana by what’s in your energy field.

Do you or have you suffered from any of the following:

  • Anxiety &/or stress?
  • Feel like you’re running out of time, yet going nowhere?
  • Feel that you should be doing something else?
  • Can’t seem to move your life forward?
  • Unending curiosity about ‘stuff’?
  • A desire to understand your true purpose?
  • Have fears/phobias that don’t make sense?
  • Fall into troubled relationships?
  • Missing someone who is no longer in your life?
  • Work place stress or illness?
  • Chronic pain or illness?
  • Chronic fatigue or fibromyalgia?
  • Difficulty sleeping or need too much sleep?
  • Difficulty exercising or slow metabolism?
  • Addictions &/or OCD?
  • Dyslexia &/or other learning disability?
  • Unable to be assertive?
  • Suffer excessive feels of guilt or shame?
  • Lost relationships / important people in your life?
  • Can’t be around family, or old friends?
  • Just curious to know where you’re at?

All of these are symptoms of spiritual dis-ease and can relate to an overly complicated or spiritually disconnected life.

All of Dana’s services are designed to awaken you to Spirit to enable self-healing (which we are designed to do) and to reclaim the power to create your own In-Spired Life —

To book your first Intuitive Session (Energy Reading), click here.
To book your first Energy Healing Session, click here.
To book a Past Life Regression, click here.
If you are in the Northern Rivers, you can book your first Bodywork session, click here.

To join the next Psychic Development Workshop, visit here.
To join the next Sacred Rose Circle, visit here.

To learn more about Dana & her work, you are also welcome to view (& subscribe) to her You Tube channel here.