A big part of my focus is the embodiment of the Divine.

Awakening the intuitive aspects of you to work in tandem with your rational mind is an important part of that ride.

We are so overwhelmingly driven by our rational thoughts. But did you know that this is not the only intelligent part of you? It may even be limiting your scope of creation, abundance and the subtle balance that is needed to feel a successful human. Most definitely, it can block your ability to heal.

We are humans with an extraordinary capacity for great things.  Our systems of intelligence are multi-layered, multi-dimensional also, and complex.  When we perceive ourselves ‘rationally’ only, we limit our sense of awareness of our potential, our impact on the outside, and our ultimate power.

When we deny ourselves, we act blindly.

This is where Spirit comes in.

Spirit, or the Divine aspect of life, is an intelligence that weaves its way in and through all things.  It takes on many forms, and plays host to many identities (egos).  It is intelligent!  Beyond what our rational minds will ever be placed to grasp, in its fullness.  A rational mindset is important, but it is not everything.  It is simply the ‘yang’ side of the yin/yang equation.

Spirit is not external to us.  It is not beyond us or outside of us.  It is a source of energy that is in all of us.  It is us, and it is also more than us.  Awareness of Spirit energy, how it weaves in and through us, is a universal need.  Sadly, it has been bypassed, controlled in the mind by organising institutions, and minimised at the level of the human rational mindset.

The only way you will grasp the truth of Spirit, and free yourself from emotional/mental/physical tyranny, is to journey with your own Spirit and come to know about it through experiential embodiment.

I like to see it as experimenting with the unknown.

Of course, it is easier if you can do so with some level of respect, humility and reverence for what you cannot (right now) know, at the level of the mind. The intuitive landscape, that part of you that sense-feels things beyond what the fixed senses might rationally know, is the path.  The only way to do this, is to surrender to this idea of experimenting with what you cannot know, until you feel like you might know more.

There are also Spirit players that surround us, and are available for us to dialogue with and find reflections through.  These include nature Spirits (like trees, plants, animals, rivers, oceanic waterways and “the elements”), astral bodies (like sun/moon/earth/planets), aspects of self (Higher self, heart-mind-body-chakra-meridian systems) and lineage Spirits (blood ancestors, soul ancestors, land spirits and biological ancestors). All of whom have a vested interest in your self-actualisation and healing journeys.

These can be communicated with through psychic language and invoked to awaken a deeper wisdom within your own system and cellular, bioavailable technology.

If you’d like to find out more about your intuition, your inherited sensitivity to the subtle realms of energy (Spirit), and how this might be impacting you there are a number of paths I can offer you.  We can do some of this 1:on:1, and also please consider investigating some of my Psychic Development and Intuition Courses, Classes and Circles. You can find out more about that via this link here.

Of course, if you just want to find out more about:

  • who you are,
  • why you are here,
  • where you came from,
  • who is around you (and why); and
  • what is going on in your life right now …

I invite you to take the plunge and book your first initial 1-on-1 intuitive session or healing with me.

I’d love to tune-in for you and tell you more about what I see.  I welcome you to experiment, and to have your own experience of it for yourself.

With love,