Meditation & Circles2024-09-15T18:48:08+10:00
meditation and spiritual development

Promoting Spiritual Health

The only thing missing is the inner-you!

Meditation & Spiritual Development

It is no coincidence that meditation and mindfulness is becoming more and more available.  Theses are essential for managing the daily energetic demands on our bodies, minds and spirits!

There is no excuse any more to be ignorant about your energy or aware that you are psychic.

Yes, that’s right.  We are all psychic and we unconsciously tap into our psychic powers every single day.

The trouble is, we aren’t told about it and few of us understand that our ignorance is impacting adversely our energy, our state of mind, and our general health in unforeseen ways.

Dana offers a number of downloadable breathing, mindfulness and meditation podcasts & audio exercises, via her YouTube Channel which you can visit by clicking here.

Spiritual Development

A Spiritual Development Circle is a term often used for a gathering of individuals for the purposes of progressing with energy development, psychic or spiritual awareness and to journey together for the purposes of deepening into psychic awareness and healing.

I often host Circle Spaces due to how powerful they can be.

At the moment, to create Circles of self-aware and intuitively-active beings, I am offering self-paced online courses and in-person workshops to introduce aspects of eco-psycho-spiritual development.  They often include meditation, breath-work, guided journey work and ritual practices in support of each person’s evolution and spiritual development.

Psychic Development –

Currently, I’m hosting the majority of my psychic development offerings via PATREON.

I also host occasional full or half-day workshops for those interested in exploring their psychic gifts with me.  Attendance at one of these is the minimum requisite for Circle work, to support a level of intuitive awareness already active within each Circle.

To read more about Psychic Development opportunities please visit this page – click here.

Sacred Rose Initiations & Circles –

Designed to bring more awareness to womb holders, or those born from one (wom(b)yn), and wishing to learn more about the Sacred feminine mysteries, to unlock their own healing potential, and to explore skills to both communicate and listen, maximising the use of their voice to greater impact.

I host a Rose Initiation 5-week program online via Patreon to support this vision.

Rose Circles are a part of this process, and they inform a more deeper work of ancestral lineage healing and childhood wound repair.

To read more about Sacred Women please visit this page – click here.

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