I wanted to offer a conversation around receptivity, so that your session with me offers you the most value.

But also, as an important conversation in this modern world, because we are often given the mistaken impression that value is solely something that one single person works for.

And I want you to receive the best reading possible ….

In the realm of energy wisdom, we know that energy is only available to those who are open to receive it.

What that means is NOT that you need to blindly and completely believe everything you are told.

What it DOES mean is that you are an active player in your ability to receive what you need, want and desire.

This can be hard to appreciate, when you lean into the rationality given to you by today’s consumerist world.

But what you, perhaps, can see is that the modern world’s avenues of promotion, sales and selling things to meet people’s needs often encourages one-sided view, in its approach.

You’ll either notice a feeling of being pushed onto, or coerced into, if you energetically lean into it with a rational mindset.
Or, you might be in a seat of expecting to receive “good service” simply because you are paying for it.

Ironically, these energies sit in the extreme ends of a spectrum that moves it away from source and centre.  The truth.

In the realm of energy wisdom, we notice that how we view the world and the ways we perceive our reality impact what we are ABLE to see.

The same too goes for energy reading experiences and healing circles.

If you approach these situations with a closed or demanding attitude, your energy may impact your ability to receive what you truly need.

Further, if you approach these situations in a state of complete ambivalence, without much conscious or deliberate awareness or intent, this will also impact what you are available to receive.

The SECRET is, it helps to be aware of yourself, what you’re journeying with on a personal level, and to be open to exploring a little into the discomfort of the unknown.

A wom(b)an (man or woman) will receive more, if they are able to surrender to what emerges, while holding an awareness of how they feel they are traveling in life.

Here, your cellular DNA is more open to be perceived by the reader, in its authenticity.

Here, your womb will welcome the words of a gifted healer, via Spirit energy, and will receive a shift that it is seeking.

Here, your perspective may just change in a way that aligns better with your ultimate power and potential.

Here you will more easily receive the gift of insight, guidance and spontaneous healing that is possible in a reading session.

Your best ‘defence’ in the realm of energy is presence.

If you need assistance with this, I have a few short breathing and mediation practices available for you on my YouTube channel.
It helps.  For some people, significantly.

If you’re interested to learn more about Energy wisdom and your own potential, I offer courses in Psychic Development and Energy Wisdom.  I also host online Sacred Rose Circles for womben looking to reconnect with their womb-wisdom.

With love,