Women are Sacred, and She needs to act like it.

While all on Earth are sacred, women are given an especially powerful gift at birth – a womb.  This is a Birth Rite.

By owning a womb, women are connected deeply, cellularly, all the way back to the womb of the original mother.  This houses energy information, a well of innate intuitive wisdom, and is a connection to pure source energy = power.

It needs consideration and should be treated with reverence.

While we are often taught that 50% of DNA comes from our Mothers and 50% from our Fathers, Mitochondria DNA is inherited solely from Mothers, not from Fathers.  So the 50/50 DNA inheritance is not strictly true.

The Mitochondria is the powerhouse of our cells.  Literally without it, we cannot charge our energy battery and life as energy embodied within a physical body is impossible.  We inherit a significant part of our energy wellness and expression through the wombs of our Mothers.

Way before our imprinting of external influences begins.

Womban, your womb is powerful.

Wombs, even with all the ‘science’, are still quite poorly understood at the level of medical science.

But what is acknowledged is that womben are biologically wired differently to non-womb holders.  And our wiring helps to inform how our we are designed energetically to receive, store and express energy.  Basically how we relate to ourselves, and interact with others.

We are wired to maximise our sensitivity to the subtle fields (or feeling senses), e-motion (energy in motion), and to hold energy at the level of our womb, to remember and pass on.  A woman who no longer feels much is typically hiding, in a state of collapse, or disconnected from the energy grid that connects us to the Earth.  If this numbing is true for a woman’s womb, then this news is troubling.

Womban, you are powerful.  And this remembering helps to hold the very fabric of our communities together, through our relationships, within our own circles and in keeping meaningful connections so that we can charge up our (collective) battery.

Except, we can also damage our friendships, relationships, circles and communities in the same way, when this power is misrepresented, misappropriated, and manipulated for power-dominance and control.  Which is more likely if you are in denial of or blind to the role the masculine and patriarchial institutions play within your own life.

The emphasis HERE is on cultivating self-awareness.  To deny what is being experienced, is a form of self-abuse.

When the unconscious becomes conscious, we begin to grow in our ability to communicate, influence and have impact on things that might otherwise sabotage our energy and potentially destroy our own relationships.  We can participate as valuable members in our communities.


Women are powerful when they hold themselves as Sacred

Women are powerful when they hold themselves as Sacred

If we deny that power, we avoid, bypass and become agents of drama, chaos and potentially, unintentionally wound others.  If we own that power, we can influence intentionally to great healing and impact.  When we deny, it is usually because we are feeling wounded and carrying pain.

As they say in Spiderman (who has superbly feminine, spidey senses btw):
“with that great power, comes great responsibility.

We are easily disempowered when what should be spoken is instead suppressed, denied, hidden, devalued or ignored.  Or, spoken to those who are not able to hold what is said as sacred.

When disempowered, we may act out in energy hungry/deficient ways that create walls, syphon energy and generally burn us out.

SO, this is your invitation.

If you are a womban, it is time for you to claim your feminine power!

This path is a journey to explore yourself, at the level of your womb.  It is easy to access because your womb is right there, where it has been your entire life.  If you have had your womb surgically removed, it is still possible to engage with the energy of the womb that you once carried.

Our wombs have often been bypassed, out of energetic engagement, ignored, treated insensitively or energetically ‘owned’ by lovers, medical belief systems and family lineages.

To explore your own power, investigate your own healing, you need to begin to reclaim your ownership of your own womb.  You might call this “womb sovereignty”, and it is a journey.  It responds favourably to Sacred practices.

I encourage you to dive into any of my work.  It is all designed to open up your conversation with your deeper well, held and anchored by women at the level of their wombs.   All energetic, relational and intuitive work will lead you back to the energy of your womb (sacral).

If you feel like you’d prefer to work 1-on-1, then please book an Initial Intuitive Reading Session.  Otherwise, feel free to join a Women’s Only Circle of Others (I call them Rose Circles) or consider my other online intuitive courses.

As we say in this business, a person who works on themselves does so on behalf of us all.  So, be a powerful catalysts to HEAL the Sisterhood, and therein your own Universes & the World, and take the plunge into Spiritual Development, Healing and Womb repair.

I would love to be your guide, as we repair your connection to the Great Earth Mother, and Spirit.

With love,