Frequently Asked Questions2023-12-28T14:53:50+11:00

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Frequently Asked Questions

I hope these answer your questions, please contact me if you have others

People are attracted to receiving a reading for numerous reasons.

You might desire a reading because there is something in life that is causing concern or is challenging you more than ‘normal’.

But it is also ok to desire a reading simply as a way to check-in and see how you are going with life, generally.  Or because you are curious about what is around you and maybe who is around you, and why.

A reading is like a conversation about your life, your situation and your options.

Except when I speak to you about your life in a reading, I am usually blended with Spirit energy and am translating that energy information into words that you can hear.  Which is why I may call it an ‘energy’ reading, but many people will use the term ‘psychic’ reading.

A reading is designed to offer you a reflection on what energy is acting out in your life, and what might be causing it.  Sometimes, Spirit will also give information about where ‘future’ aspects of your life is going.  But this is not the main goal of a reading.

Most readings involve my tuning into your energy and your Akashic record to get a sense of where you are at with your life and what is needing some support or attention.  To tune into your Akashic record, I will ask for your full birth name and date of birth as this helps to anchor the energy of the reading.

In all cases, I am working in collaboration with your Higher self-consciousness, and what I call your “Spiritual intelligence”.  A person’s spiritual intelligence may encompass many different things, including Spirit Guides, Ancestors, aspects of the self, and potentially other Spirit energies.

Some readings involve the use of oracle or tarot cards.

Some of them may also involve Mediumship. If you’d like someone particular to come through, please ask me to tune in to see who is around you.  I will not know who will come through until they do.  All readings are inspired by Spirit energy and what your needs are.

Spirit offers guidance, to support you with your life and to help you with clarity.

At the moment I offer my readings mostly online.  It is very easy to read for someone online.

You really only need to bring yourself.  Sometimes it is helpful to have an idea of what you’d like the reading to be focussed on, but this is not essential.

If you have a list of questions, feel free to bring them with you.  If I have not answered those questions by the end, you will have time at the end to ask them directly.

Come hydrated, if you can.  It does help with our collaborative energy.

For readings online, please find a quiet closed room to be in where you can be uninterrupted for the period with a stable internet connection.

I have an online booking system where you can book for your session.  It will allow you to view my calendar availability in your own timezone, so please make sure you select yours.

At the time of booking it will ask you for payment in full.  The payment platform my system uses is Stripe and you can pay for your session like you would pay for anything online.

If you need to pay via direct deposit in Australia, you can contact me to arrange for my bank details to be sent to you.  If you are outside of Australia, we can also arrange payment via PayPal.  A booking via this method will need to be done outside of the standard booking system.

If you wish to book your first initial session with me, please use this link:

If you wish to book an energy healing session with me, please use this link:

For any other services, please use my general booking link on my home page.

As a standard rule, I do not offer refunds.  Like when you book many other types of appointments, your booking pays for my time and energy whether you choose to show up to the appointment, on time or not.

If for some reason you cannot make your appointment time, you are able to reschedule it provided you do so with at least 24-hours’ notice prior to your original booking time.

If you accidentally miss your appointment, your appointment is forfeit and the session is declared a ‘no show’ if you are more than 15 minutes late.

If you book a session only to hear from one person in Spirit and I cannot make any viable connections with any recognisable Spirit on your behalf, I will refund you for the session.

Please note that it is not always possible to speak to a deceased loved one after their passing.  We can never guarantee any particular Spirit person will visit at the time of your reading.  And it is recommended that you wait at least 6 months after a person passes, before booking in with a medium to communicate with them in the Spirit world.

Very rarely, they may come through before then.

A healing is an energy session.  It involves tuning-in to the recipients energy system to identify aspects of self that might be out of alignment or blocked from receiving what it needs to feel in balance.

Generally recipients experience sensations of warmth and energy moving from within the body.  There may be a slight pressure, that is followed by a sensation of release or ease.

Occasionally brief messages might come through to support and guide the session.  This session is not the same as a reading.  It is designed to work on the body, spirit and the mind to bring disparate or uneasy aspects of self back into alignment.  For this is healing.

A healing session can work on psycho-spiritual matters and also body ailments.  It is designed to look at your system, as a whole.
To read more about this, please visit my Reiki Energy Sound Healing page.

If you’re looking for a conversation that is healing, please book a reading instead.  To read more about this, please visit my Energy Reading and Guidance page.

A healing session is a time for you to receive support for your wellbeing.

People seek an energy healing because they may be feeling run down, tired or experiencing some mental fog or disturbance.  If you’re feeling unable to fully recover from an illness or having difficulty shifting it, then an energy healing might also help here.

Individuals who are on a spiritual journey might also seek an energy healing to help to remove attachments or energy hooks that block awareness or insight.

An energy healing can also ‘upgrade’ your access to Spirit and reconnect your consciousness to deeper pools of wisdom.

The emphasis is on repair, recovery and restoration of your energy and connection to wellness.

To read more about this, please visit my Reiki Energy Sound Healing page.

Energy wisdom flows through our system as a current, like electricity flows through a power cord.  You actually house the structures of this system of currency already inside of you.

You do not need to bring anything particular to an energy healing session.  Except it helps if you come hydrated, as the energy flows through channels that rely on the waters of your body to move.  So please make sure you drink adequate amounts of water before your session.  Eating before you session is fine, just avoid eating any heavy meals within the hour prior.

If you have booked a session online, please make sure you are in a space where you can be uninterrupted.  Usually this will mean being in a room with the door closed.

It is also helpful for you to be able to relax and let-go to receive.  Find a place where you can sit comfortably and relax in a chair, or lay down for a bit of a snooze while I do the work for you.

After your session, it is best if you can allow for a bit of time to integrate the energy.  This might look like going for a light walk, being somewhere quiet with a cuppa, or having a bit of a snooze.  Some people like to use the time afterwards to journey a little.

Just go gentle, you might need a little space before you reconnect with other people.

If you’d like to read more about this service, please visit my Reiki Energy Sound Healing page.

A past life regression is designed to heal your system.  It is for ailments that don’t seem to respond to regular treatment, and only if you feel draw or curious about it.

Past life regression heals by reconnecting symptoms of pain and disease to memories that might originate beyond your current life.  Here, the reconnection can allow us to give. back certain feelings, senses and manifestations to the past experience, so that it can be given back to the time/space moment where it belongs.

It is performed during a light trance-like state and is entirely safe.  Your system knows what to do and how deep to go.  Usually booking a reading initially first can be a good way to establish whether a past life regression session could be right for you.

You can also book in for a past life regression if you are simply curious about your own past lives.  Where have you been before, who knows!  Perhaps during a session you will find out.

To read more about this service, please visit my Past Life Regression Therapy page.

There are a number of ways to explore a connection to your intuition.  It is likely that you already do so every day, perhaps unconsciously.

It is important to learn about your intuition, as it is one of our best tools of discernment within our human (womb-an!) relating toolbox.  I offer 1:2:1 coaching online for people wanting to learn about their intuitive gifts.  If it feels right for you, I suggest you book a reading and make a note in the booking that you are interested in learning more about your intuitive gifts.

To read more about a 1:2:1 session, please visit my Energy Reading and Guidance page.

To read more about Psychic Development, please visit this page.

Yes!  I am so glad that you know!

The truth is, we are all psychic.  But only a few are called to be a reader.  If you’re curious about your own abilities, I would suggest you book a reading, and mention in the notes that you are interested in exploring your psychic gifts.

If it feels right for us both, I may either invite you to join me in a coaching arrangement or direct you to my next Psychic Development workshop or circle.

To read more about a 1:2:1 session, please visit my page on Energy Reading and Guidance.

To read more about psychic development options, please visit this page.

Excellent, I love hearing about this kind of curiosity.  If I had my way, we would all get curious about Spirit and energy!

If you’re curious, I would suggest you book a reading, and mention in the notes that you are interested in learning more about Spirit and energy.  You can read more about that here.

If it feels right for us both, I may either invite you to join me in a coaching arrangement or direct you to my next Spiritual Development workshop or circle.  You can read more about those opportunities, here.

Hello friend, welcome!  You are in safe company here 🙂

It is very common for people to seek out a reading to receive guidance and support for their life.  I can help you with a Soul reading and a reconnection to your own Source consciousness, where you will receive guidance and support as you take your next steps!

If it feels right for you, I would suggest you book a reading to start with.

You can read more about that via this link – Energy Reading and Guidance.

Be Well. Be Whole.

Energy is all around us and impacts our daily flow

It’s helpful to know about energy, how it impacts us and where it aligns to support us.  Sometimes, it helps to know where it misaligns with our intent and our desired outcome.

I offer a monthly energy forecast, to support those individuals wishing to know more, to learn and grow.

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