Connecting with Ancestors an Online Workshop

$35AUD / $20 low inc.

AUSTRALIA: Saturday, 28th October – 
1-4PM Australian Eastern Daylight Savings Time (Sydney/Melbourne)

USA: Friday, 27th October –
7-10PM US Pacific Time (Los Angeles)

To reserve your spot, tickets via:

If you are interested in connecting with your Ancestors, then this workshop offers spiritual practices to do so.

It is aligned around the time of Samhain (Halloween / Day of the Dead) as celebrated by many at this time of year.  Believed to be a time when the veil between the Spirit world and the Earth plane is thinnest, it is a good time to open-up to a stronger conversation with your Ancestors.

Our ancestor Spirits are connected to us via threads of relationship that go beyond the physical plane.  They share with us a lineage that carries energy, that impacts the living lineage.  As such, they have a vested interest in your life, and your success and wellbeing.

We invoke a stronger connection to our ancestor Spirits when we are in need of greater support, protection or care.  The connection can provide us with great guidance and clarity.  They can help us to navigation relationships with blood relatives and others.  They can also act as a conduit to your own greater connection to Spirit so that you can commune with Spirit more easily.

This 3-hour workshop will involve meditation and journeying, practices to improve Spirit connections and opportunities for sharing.

The collective intention for this workshop is to support greater healing.

Dana is a working Spirit Medium with experience connecting with and reactivating connections to ancestors.  It is a Spirit-inspired workshop.


All levels and orientations welcome.


  • A stable internet connection
  • A quiet place where you can be uninterrupted
  • A candle (ideally low toxicity, like beeswax or soy)
  • Water/Tea (hydration is very important)
  • Something that represents your Ancestor(s) in Spirit that you’d like to connect with
  • Pen & Paper


CONTACT: Dana if you have questions via dana [at] or use the form on Contact page.

**For low income tickets, please email to arrange.  With thanks, Dana x