Energy Reading and Guidance2022-08-22T17:19:18+10:00

Energy Reading and Guidance

Spiritual advice and support one-on-one

Whether you seek guidance around love, finances, work, health, relationships, spiritual development, self (love) development, the divine sacred feminine/masculine, energy work, your intuition or Soul Purpose, an energy reading is an intuitive session that will dial into your own energy to support you find answers and make decisions.

In each session Dana tunes in to pass on messages and insight that are given by Spirit (your own divine spiritual intelligence) for you. She will highlight areas of interest to you so that you can gain clarity in your life, and find resolution.

She also channels messages from guides, deceased loved ones/animals and ancestors who present to guide you to live your most inspired life.  It is your own Higher consciousness that determines who comes through, and Dana translates the energy to communicate with words what they desire to share with you.

Each session is interactive and offers an opportunity to share.

You are welcome to bring along your questions, a specific intention, or just come with an open mind to receive that which is intended for you from Spirit.

What is needed is always provided in a session.

Be Well. Be Whole.

Energy is all around us and impacts our daily flow

It’s helpful to know about energy, how it impacts us and where it aligns to support us.  Sometimes, it helps to know where it misaligns with our intent and our desired outcome.

I offer a monthly energy forecast, to support those individuals wishing to know more, to learn and grow.

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