Sacred Sisterhood Readers Circle @ Online via Zoom
Sep 19 @ 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Sacred Sisterhood Readers Circle @ Online via Zoom

Sacred Sisterhood Readers Circle

This Circle offers teachings through reading on themes relevant to the sacred sisterhood. The best way to learn about Sacred Sisterhood is through the activation of your own intuitive knowledge around it.  It starts with your intent and desire to unlock it.

This CIRCLE is specifically focussed upon developing your reading gifts to see into energy and receive its wealth of knowledge. i.e. to receive answers to your questions via the energy fields/grids that surround us.

This CIRCLE will involve 3 parts:
✨ Reading for yourself
✨ Reading for others
✨ Reading the collective frequency for deep insight into Sacred feminine themes, wisdom and guidance.

We will be using CARDS to discern information and you will be coached on how to communicate that information in alignment with the themes supporting the Sacred Sister Soul Agreements.


💕 Commitment to yourself and your own development (ie, if you book and pay, intend to be there)
💕 A quiet place to sit and be with us
💕 A deck of oracle or tarot cards
💕 A candle, pen & paper
💕 A cuppa (tea/coffee), water, snacks [optional]
💕 A smartphone, laptop, computer (to join us online)

DATES/TIMES (check your timezone please):

⏰ 3rd Saturday, 2PM NZDT | 12NOON AEDT | 11:30AM ACDT | 9AM AWDT

⏰ 3rd Friday, 6PM PT | 7PM MT | 8PM CT | 10PM ET


$22 per circle 🌟
must be made in advance, thank you 🍀

I would LOVE all women, with a passion and curiosity around intuitive feminine wisdom, to join us online at this time. It is the PERFECT time to join together in Circles and this will be specifically focussed upon building your capacity to read energy, for the good of all.

Participation in this circle will also offer you:
✨ Connection to other Sisters through sacred practice and sharing
✨ A reconnect to a part of you that may have been long neglected and under utilised
✨ A number of simple card spreads to suit your reading style
✨ How to get clear answers on questions around love, money, work, relationships &/or health
✨ Simple techniques that further develop your psychic skills & connection to divine spirit
✨ Tips on how to read for yourself and for others
✨ Exercises to take home and practice
✨ Access to a private readers FB group for questions & support.

It’s going to be FUN 🍀 this is open to ALL levels of reader.


⭐️ Online via
+ add note: Readers Circle [date of circle] + [your email]

⭐️ Or, email me & bank transfer to:
BSB no: 923100
Account no: 61708783
Reference no: Readers Circle [date of circle] + [your name]
+ please email or PM me.

A zoom link will be emailed to you an hour prior to circle.

** Your payment is non-refundable but may be transferred to another person if you cannot attend. YES, it will also be recorded and available for download.

ABOUT your practitioner:

Dana Parker is known as Dana Spirit Butterfly, a spirit channel working with collective energies to awaken, shift and empower those looking for greater freedom, sovereignty and to discover more about their own unique intuitive gifts and how to apply it in their daily life. She is an inspirational soul coach in service to the rising sacred feminine. A trance healer & energy clearer, she travels around the world leaving behind her a trail of inspiration and value that exceeds the time she spends in every city. To read more about Dana and her work visit

ONLINE Meditation to Align weekly @ Facebook LIVE plus private group
Sep 21 @ 10:30 am – 11:00 am
ONLINE Meditation to Align weekly @ Facebook LIVE plus private group

Online Meditation to Align

This is an online Meditation practice offering you high vibrational channeled meditations to align you with your new and upgraded frequency.

The energetic shifts on the planet are occurring. This meditation practice anchors (ground) your energy upgrades for a more harmonious transition into the new frequency (anu earth). Energetic practices are vital for integrating intuitive abilities into daily well-BEing.

If you want to develop yourself spiritually, meditation is absolutely non-negotiable.


Join any time! New Meditations are uploaded weekly and each runs for approximately 15-30 mins.
LIVE times are posted into the group each week.

Watch and repeat any of them AT ANY TIME.

💫 ENERGY EXCHANGE subscriptions:

$11.11 / per month
$123.45 / per year

** please request access to private FB group and make your first subscription payment.

(please Reference on PAYPAL the date, your name & that it’s for online meditation) or make Contact for a subscription link.


AS ANNOUNCED in the Group Page.
Generally Monday mornings around 10:45AM Melbourne Time (Australian Eastern)

ABOUT your practitioner:

Dana Parker is known as Dana Spirit Butterfly, a spirit channel working with collective energies to awaken, shift and empower those looking for greater freedom, sovereignty and to discover more about their own unique intuitive gifts and how to apply it in their daily life. She is an inspirational soul coach in service to the rising sacred feminine. A trance healer & energy clearer, she travels around the world leaving behind her a trail of inspiration and value that exceeds the time she spends in every city. To read more about Dana and her work visit

Collective Past Life Regression Workshop @ Online at home
Sep 26 @ 8:00 pm – 10:30 pm
Collective Past Life Regression Workshop @ Online at home

Collective Past Life Regression

Are you curious about your past life? Do you want to know if you’ve had one?
Have you experienced DÉJÁ VU or had reoccurring dreams?
Or have new people appeared in your life that feel familiar?
Do you find yourself wondering if what’s happening to you now has happened to you before?


In this workshop we will journey together into the past to (re)collect information and technology to assist us with (re)building our future.

When we regress together, collectively, interesting things appear within the group that gathers; AND your regression experience is often clearer and more powerful.

A regression session uses a light meditative state to allow you access to your higher mind (via your subconscious). It is designed to unlock memories and knowledge by dissolving blocks in the conscious mind and facilitating connection with our soul consciousness (knowingness).

It can help you to clear long-standing and frustrating issues in the psyche that may have had little resolution through traditional methods of healing. It can help you understand your emotional reactions the people and the world around you.


All are welcome, as exercises will be given to expand all levels of spiritual experience.


💕 Commitment to yourself and your own development (ie, if you book and pay, intend to be there)
💕 A quiet place be with us
💕 Space to lie down (although can be done seated)
💕 cushions, blankets for comfort
💕 A candle, pen & paper
💕 A cuppa (tea/coffee) &/or water
💕 A smartphone, laptop, computer (to join us online)

DATES/TIMES (check your timezone please):


⏰ Saturday 26th September, 8-10:30PM Melbourne/Sydney (AEST) | 7:30-10PM (Adelaide) ACST | 5-7:30PM Perth (AWST)

⏰ Saturday 26th September, 8-10:30PM Denver (MDT) | 7-9:30PM (PDT)


$44 FULL, or
$33 for Inner Circle (i.e. regulars in DSB circles)🌟

must be made at least 2 hours in advance, thank you 🍀


⭐️ Online via
+ add note: Collective Regression + [your preferred email]

⭐️ Or, email me & bank transfer to:
BSB no: 923100
Account no: 61708783
Reference no: Collective Channel [date of circle] + [your name]
+ please email or PM me.

A zoom link will be emailed to you an hour prior to circle.

** Your payment is non-refundable but may be transferred to another person if you cannot attend. YES, it will also be recorded and available afterwards.

~~~~~~~~ABOUT your practitioner:

Dana Parker is trained in numerous healing modalities and has studied with internationally renowned intuitive psychic mediums and healers. She is considered gifted by many, although her preference is always to inspire others to activate their own.

Having an initial background in corporate training, management and policy, she woke up following the death of a loved one in what is referred to by many as a “Shaman’s death”. After studying and presenting in other countries, including Italy, the US and Canada, Dana decided to commit fully to a career in spiritual wellness, holistic health and healing.

Dana is active in her pursuit of intuitive development, personal healing and loves to investigate where her natural curiosity (intuition) takes her. She is the founder of the Sacred Sister Soul Circles and Tango Butterfly, and collaborated in an Amazon number one best-selling book called ‘When I Rise, I Thrive’, published by As You Wish Publishing.

She is a certified Soul Life Therapist under the Toni Reilly Institute, Tibetan Singing Bowl Therapist and Sound Healer under the Kindred Souls Collective, Reiki practitioner under the Usui Method and a Spiritual Advisor (psychic medium) under the Lisa Williams International School of Spiritual Development, and is a member of the International Institute for Complementary Therapists.

To discover more about her products and services, please visit

ONLINE Meditation to Align weekly @ Facebook LIVE plus private group
Sep 28 @ 10:30 am – 11:00 am
ONLINE Meditation to Align weekly @ Facebook LIVE plus private group

Online Meditation to Align

This is an online Meditation practice offering you high vibrational channeled meditations to align you with your new and upgraded frequency.

The energetic shifts on the planet are occurring. This meditation practice anchors (ground) your energy upgrades for a more harmonious transition into the new frequency (anu earth). Energetic practices are vital for integrating intuitive abilities into daily well-BEing.

If you want to develop yourself spiritually, meditation is absolutely non-negotiable.


Join any time! New Meditations are uploaded weekly and each runs for approximately 15-30 mins.
LIVE times are posted into the group each week.

Watch and repeat any of them AT ANY TIME.

💫 ENERGY EXCHANGE subscriptions:

$11.11 / per month
$123.45 / per year

** please request access to private FB group and make your first subscription payment.

(please Reference on PAYPAL the date, your name & that it’s for online meditation) or make Contact for a subscription link.


AS ANNOUNCED in the Group Page.
Generally Monday mornings around 10:45AM Melbourne Time (Australian Eastern)

ABOUT your practitioner:

Dana Parker is known as Dana Spirit Butterfly, a spirit channel working with collective energies to awaken, shift and empower those looking for greater freedom, sovereignty and to discover more about their own unique intuitive gifts and how to apply it in their daily life. She is an inspirational soul coach in service to the rising sacred feminine. A trance healer & energy clearer, she travels around the world leaving behind her a trail of inspiration and value that exceeds the time she spends in every city. To read more about Dana and her work visit

ONLINE Meditation to Align weekly @ Facebook LIVE plus private group
Oct 5 @ 10:30 am – 11:00 am
ONLINE Meditation to Align weekly @ Facebook LIVE plus private group

Online Meditation to Align

This is an online Meditation practice offering you high vibrational channeled meditations to align you with your new and upgraded frequency.

The energetic shifts on the planet are occurring. This meditation practice anchors (ground) your energy upgrades for a more harmonious transition into the new frequency (anu earth). Energetic practices are vital for integrating intuitive abilities into daily well-BEing.

If you want to develop yourself spiritually, meditation is absolutely non-negotiable.


Join any time! New Meditations are uploaded weekly and each runs for approximately 15-30 mins.
LIVE times are posted into the group each week.

Watch and repeat any of them AT ANY TIME.

💫 ENERGY EXCHANGE subscriptions:

$11.11 / per month
$123.45 / per year

** please request access to private FB group and make your first subscription payment.

(please Reference on PAYPAL the date, your name & that it’s for online meditation) or make Contact for a subscription link.


AS ANNOUNCED in the Group Page.
Generally Monday mornings around 10:45AM Melbourne Time (Australian Eastern)

ABOUT your practitioner:

Dana Parker is known as Dana Spirit Butterfly, a spirit channel working with collective energies to awaken, shift and empower those looking for greater freedom, sovereignty and to discover more about their own unique intuitive gifts and how to apply it in their daily life. She is an inspirational soul coach in service to the rising sacred feminine. A trance healer & energy clearer, she travels around the world leaving behind her a trail of inspiration and value that exceeds the time she spends in every city. To read more about Dana and her work visit

Healing Circle Mondays Online @ ONLINE via ZOOM
Oct 5 @ 8:00 pm – 9:30 pm
Healing Circle Mondays Online @ ONLINE via ZOOM

Healing Circle Mondays ONLINE

This event offers healing through a group “circle” on Mondays online.  It involves meditation, sound, visual journey and breathing. Partner techniques will also be shown that allow you to share energetic healing with others.

It will cover a variety of techniques to assist participants further develop their personal connection to source, meditation practices and to awaken the heart & third-eye connection for a deeper spiritual healing experience.

Participants will also experience activations to channel pure source code for the purposes of cellular healing.

All levels welcome. Limited seats available.

Prepare 7:45pm for 8PM START.
Estimated finish around 9:30pm.

INVESTMENT IN SELF: $20 per session

Please bring a water bottle, pen, paper and clothes you can comfortably sit in for meditation. We meditate on seats for this practice.  Arrange for pillows and blankets if you’d prefer for comfort.

You’ll need access to good speed internet PLUS a laptop or smartphone.  Please arrange for a quiet space, where you can remain uninterrupted for the duration.  Pets are ok.  Being interrupted by other humans are not so helpful, especially while we are meditating.

BOOKINGS ARE REQUIRED, please – at least 24 hours prior if you are new.
These are small group sessions offering support to deepen your practice.



Online please via PayPal at least 24 hours prior, click onto this link:
NOTE: please include a note with “Healing Circle + your preferred email address”

Or Contact Dana for Direct Deposit details.


Dana Parker is trained in multiple intuitive healing modalities and studied with numerous internationally renowned intuitive readers and healers. Having had an initial background in corporate training, managing and policy, it was while travelling that Dana decided to commit fully to a career in holistic health and healing, after studying and presenting in other countries including Italy, the USA and Canada.

She is a certified Soul Life Therapist under the Toni Reilly Institute, Tibetan Singing Bowl Therapist and Sound Healer under the Kindred Souls Collective, Reiki practitioner under the Usui Method and a Spiritual Advisor (psychic medium) under the Lisa Williams International School of Spiritual Development, and is a member of the International Institute for Complementary Therapists.

Dana is active in her pursuit of intuitive development, personal healing and loves to investigate where her natural curiosity (intuition) takes her. She is the founder of the Sacred Sister Soul Circles and Tango Butterfly, and has collaborated in a book called ‘When I Rise, I Thrive’, which has just been published.

To discover more about her products and services, please visit

Healing Circle Mondays Online @ ONLINE via ZOOM
Nov 2 @ 8:00 pm – 9:30 pm
Healing Circle Mondays Online @ ONLINE via ZOOM

Healing Circle Mondays ONLINE

This event offers healing through a group “circle” on Mondays online.  It involves meditation, sound, visual journey and breathing. Partner techniques will also be shown that allow you to share energetic healing with others.

It will cover a variety of techniques to assist participants further develop their personal connection to source, meditation practices and to awaken the heart & third-eye connection for a deeper spiritual healing experience.

Participants will also experience activations to channel pure source code for the purposes of cellular healing.

All levels welcome. Limited seats available.

Prepare 7:45pm for 8PM START.
Estimated finish around 9:30pm.

INVESTMENT IN SELF: $20 per session

Please bring a water bottle, pen, paper and clothes you can comfortably sit in for meditation. We meditate on seats for this practice.  Arrange for pillows and blankets if you’d prefer for comfort.

You’ll need access to good speed internet PLUS a laptop or smartphone.  Please arrange for a quiet space, where you can remain uninterrupted for the duration.  Pets are ok.  Being interrupted by other humans are not so helpful, especially while we are meditating.

BOOKINGS ARE REQUIRED, please – at least 24 hours prior if you are new.
These are small group sessions offering support to deepen your practice.



Online please via PayPal at least 24 hours prior, click onto this link:
NOTE: please include a note with “Healing Circle + your preferred email address”

Or Contact Dana for Direct Deposit details.


Dana Parker is trained in multiple intuitive healing modalities and studied with numerous internationally renowned intuitive readers and healers. Having had an initial background in corporate training, managing and policy, it was while travelling that Dana decided to commit fully to a career in holistic health and healing, after studying and presenting in other countries including Italy, the USA and Canada.

She is a certified Soul Life Therapist under the Toni Reilly Institute, Tibetan Singing Bowl Therapist and Sound Healer under the Kindred Souls Collective, Reiki practitioner under the Usui Method and a Spiritual Advisor (psychic medium) under the Lisa Williams International School of Spiritual Development, and is a member of the International Institute for Complementary Therapists.

Dana is active in her pursuit of intuitive development, personal healing and loves to investigate where her natural curiosity (intuition) takes her. She is the founder of the Sacred Sister Soul Circles and Tango Butterfly, and has collaborated in a book called ‘When I Rise, I Thrive’, which has just been published.

To discover more about her products and services, please visit

Collective Past Life Regression @ Online via ZOOM
Nov 28 @ 1:00 pm – 3:30 pm

Collective Past Life Regression

In this session we will journey together into the past to (re)collect information to assist us with (re)building our future. Great healing can be received during a past life regression session.

When we regress together collectively interesting things appear within the group that gathers; AND your regression experience can often be clearer and more powerful.

A regression session uses a light hypnotic state to access to your higher wisdom (via your subconscious). It unlocks memory and knowledge by dissolving blocks in the conscious mind and facilitating connection with our soul’s consciousness (knowingness).



All are welcome.
Exercises are given pre-regression to assist those new to regression &/or journeying.


💕 Commitment to yourself and your own development (ie, book and pay early, intend to ‘show up’ and be there)
💕 A quiet place be with us
💕 Space to lie down (although can be done seated)
💕 cushions, blankets for comfort
💕 A candle, pen & paper
💕 A cuppa (tea/coffee) &/or water
💕 A smartphone, laptop, computer (to join us online)
💕 Light snacks to ground you afterwards

DATES/TIMES (check your timezone please):


⏰ last Saturday of the month
1-3:30PM Melbourne/Sydney (AEDT)
12:30-3PM Adelaide (ACDT)
10-12:30PM Perth (AWDT)
4-6:30PM NZ (NZDT)

⏰ last Friday of the month

6-8:30PM Pacific
7-9:30PM Mountain Time
8-10:30PM Central Time
9-11:30PM Eastern Time


$44 FULL, or
$33 for Inner Circle (i.e. regulars in weekly classes + groups)🌟

must be made at least 24 hours in advance, and payment in Australian Dollars, thank you 🍀


⭐️ Online via

⭐️ Or, email me & Australian bank transfer to:
BSB no: 923100
Account no: 61708783
Reference no: Collective Channel [date of circle] + [your name]
+ please email or PM me.

A zoom link will be emailed to you prior to circle.

** Your payment is non-refundable but reschedules are allowed if request is made prior to session start. You are also able to transfer your spot to somebody else – please provide details of the new person if this happens.


ABOUT your practitioner:

Dana Parker is known as Dana Spirit Butterfly, a spirit channel working with collective energies to awaken, shift and empower those looking for greater freedom, sovereignty and to discover more about their own unique intuitive gifts and how to apply it in their daily life. She is an inspirational soul coach in service to the rising sacred feminine. A trance healer & energy clearer, she travels around the world leaving behind her a trail of inspiration and value that exceeds the time she spends in every city. To read more about Dana and her work visit

Online Becoming 2021 Butterfly Transitions @ Online via Facebook
Dec 28 @ 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm

Online Butterfly Transitions: Becoming 2021

Meditation, Channel & Healing practice (1hr x 6 days)

This event is a 6 day event, offering 1 hour of meditation, channel and healing practice each day. It is designed to prepare you for a strong beginning for 2021.
Tune in at the FB Live time to participate in the event, or tune in afterwards to explore it at a time more convenient for you.
**These events will be recorded in a private FB group. If you cannot make the time for each session, you will be able to watch the videos for the entire 6 or so days, to access at any time.**
The act of “Becoming” is the process of revealing more of you in physical form. We do this by accessing our spiritual intelligence consciously to call more light (awareness) to where we are at, what our potential is, and receive guidance on how to self-actualise (what are my next steps?).
While you do this every day, in some way, the act of engaging in conscious activation events like this speeds up the process. You’ll save your energy getting on with your life rather than having to trip over and ‘figure things out’ without support or clue.
Synchronistic events begin to guide your way allowing awareness to build and the complications old energy can dredge up to become obvious and resolvable. when you ask a question, you will receive an answer to guide your steps forwards into your truth.
It also allows intuitive links and gifts to build to support you in your daily missions, and for old blocks and trauma to disappear seemingly without effort.

🔥🔥🔥 THIS IS A RE-BIRTHING PRACTICE – what is that?

Re-birthing is a process of consolidating what has happened in the past, reviewing it, and releasing that which does not serve you. It is also the process of deciding what to carry forward and along with you into the new year – kind of like a mini-reincarnation but within our life span!
In THIS event, every day you will be provided with a meditation and journaling practice to aid you work through your experience of 2020, to surrender the stuff that does not serve you and awaken new life to carry into 2021.
Each event will also deliver a special channeled message for all participants who choose to be with us at this time.


Day 1 – Recalling & consolidating 2020 (Meditation & Regression)
Day 2 – Acknowledging struggles, conflicts with people & shadow events (Meditation & Journaling)
Day 3 – Recognising Achievement (Meditation & Journaling)
Day 4 – Gratitude & letting-go (Clearing & Ritual)
Day 5 – Intention setting & opening up to receive (Meditation & healing practice)
Day 6 – Celebrating & calling in our new potentials (Meditation & Journaling)


Sat 28 Dec – Thu 2 Jan,


Fri 27 Dec – Wed 1 Jan,


$28 (in your local currency)
total for ALL 6 Activation Days


1. A Facebook Account
2. A candle(s)
3. Pen & paper
4. Water or cup of tea (to drink)
5. Meditation blanket or something to keep you warm as you journey
6. A quiet place where you can be uninterrupted.
If you haven’t done much meditation practice before, please see this YouTube meditation playlist:
I can’t wait to celebrate the new year with you!!


Send your $28 payment *in your own local currency* at least 2 days in advance via

CONTACT: / +61 0403 192 867

ABOUT your practitioner:

Dana Parker is known as Dana Spirit Butterfly, a spirit channel working with collective energies to awaken, shift and empower those looking for greater freedom, sovereignty and to discover more about their own unique intuitive gifts in their life. She is an inspirational soul coach and movement energetics practitioner in service to the rising sacred feminine. A reiki, energy & sound healer, she travels leaving behind her a trail of inspiration and value that exceeds the time she spends with you. To read more about Dana and her work visit
Online Becoming 2021 Butterfly Transitions @ Online via Facebook
Dec 29 @ 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm

Online Butterfly Transitions: Becoming 2021

Meditation, Channel & Healing practice (1hr x 6 days)

This event is a 6 day event, offering 1 hour of meditation, channel and healing practice each day. It is designed to prepare you for a strong beginning for 2021.
Tune in at the FB Live time to participate in the event, or tune in afterwards to explore it at a time more convenient for you.
**These events will be recorded in a private FB group. If you cannot make the time for each session, you will be able to watch the videos for the entire 6 or so days, to access at any time.**
The act of “Becoming” is the process of revealing more of you in physical form. We do this by accessing our spiritual intelligence consciously to call more light (awareness) to where we are at, what our potential is, and receive guidance on how to self-actualise (what are my next steps?).
While you do this every day, in some way, the act of engaging in conscious activation events like this speeds up the process. You’ll save your energy getting on with your life rather than having to trip over and ‘figure things out’ without support or clue.
Synchronistic events begin to guide your way allowing awareness to build and the complications old energy can dredge up to become obvious and resolvable. when you ask a question, you will receive an answer to guide your steps forwards into your truth.
It also allows intuitive links and gifts to build to support you in your daily missions, and for old blocks and trauma to disappear seemingly without effort.

🔥🔥🔥 THIS IS A RE-BIRTHING PRACTICE – what is that?

Re-birthing is a process of consolidating what has happened in the past, reviewing it, and releasing that which does not serve you. It is also the process of deciding what to carry forward and along with you into the new year – kind of like a mini-reincarnation but within our life span!
In THIS event, every day you will be provided with a meditation and journaling practice to aid you work through your experience of 2020, to surrender the stuff that does not serve you and awaken new life to carry into 2021.
Each event will also deliver a special channeled message for all participants who choose to be with us at this time.


Day 1 – Recalling & consolidating 2020 (Meditation & Regression)
Day 2 – Acknowledging struggles, conflicts with people & shadow events (Meditation & Journaling)
Day 3 – Recognising Achievement (Meditation & Journaling)
Day 4 – Gratitude & letting-go (Clearing & Ritual)
Day 5 – Intention setting & opening up to receive (Meditation & healing practice)
Day 6 – Celebrating & calling in our new potentials (Meditation & Journaling)


Sat 28 Dec – Thu 2 Jan,


Fri 27 Dec – Wed 1 Jan,


$28 (in your local currency)
total for ALL 6 Activation Days


1. A Facebook Account
2. A candle(s)
3. Pen & paper
4. Water or cup of tea (to drink)
5. Meditation blanket or something to keep you warm as you journey
6. A quiet place where you can be uninterrupted.
If you haven’t done much meditation practice before, please see this YouTube meditation playlist:
I can’t wait to celebrate the new year with you!!


Send your $28 payment *in your own local currency* at least 2 days in advance via

CONTACT: / +61 0403 192 867

ABOUT your practitioner:

Dana Parker is known as Dana Spirit Butterfly, a spirit channel working with collective energies to awaken, shift and empower those looking for greater freedom, sovereignty and to discover more about their own unique intuitive gifts in their life. She is an inspirational soul coach and movement energetics practitioner in service to the rising sacred feminine. A reiki, energy & sound healer, she travels leaving behind her a trail of inspiration and value that exceeds the time she spends with you. To read more about Dana and her work visit