About Dana Parker

Like all of us, Dana is a natural born intuitive and transforming Butterfly. A Queen of reinvention she has been a dancer, musician, struggling student, office employee, law & policy expert, government manager, studio owner, English language teacher, corporate trainer and movement therapist so far in this life. She tried mainstream life for a while until she found herself in energetic crisis with debilitating pain and fatigue via autoimmune disease in her 20s. During this time she lost her marriage, her house, her stable career, her confidence, her health, all her money and most of her relationships. Believe it or not, this was also the most pivotal turning point of her life. By learning to reconnect with the Divine Spirit within and embrace her natural intuitive gifts, Dana has rebuilt her life to one of balance. After studying everything on health and wellness in sight for nearly a decade, she is inspired to serve anyone genuinely interested in bringing more of their light into an In-Spired Life. Is this you? Dana is a gifted spirit channel, energy healer and inspiring mentor with many ‘qualifications’. She is a certified spiritual advisor (psychic medium)via the Lisa Williams International School of Spiritual Development & Soul Life Therapist via the Toni Reilly Institute.
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